
Find out more about the top Polytorians!
Top 5 Networth over the last 30 days

PolyTrack generally gathers data from the Polytoria API at 4-hour intervals (starting at 00:00 UTC) and presents it visually to you.

Following data is collected if you fall into one of these categories:
Ranked in the top 50
  • Rank in each category you are ranked in
  • Value of the stat for each category you are ranked in
Among the 300 most recently active users
  • Value of the stat for each category you are ranked in
  • Your current profile state (username, description, avatar, etc.)
If you fall into multiple categories, matching sets of data will be collected and deduplicated.

Additionally, the time you are online on Polytoria is tracked. Every 5 minutes, we check who is online on Polytoria and if you are online, we add 5 minutes to your online time for that hour.

Nuh uh, PolyTrack is not affiliated or endorsed by Polytoria in any way.

The data is collected at the specified intervals, but the data is shown in your local timezone. So if you live in UTC+2 (CEST), the data is shown at 02:00, 06:00, etc.

It currently is not possible to opt out of being tracked.

If there is a specific profile state (profile states being snapshots of your public profile (username, description, avatar, etc.)) you want to remove for some reason, contact me under either retrievaaaa on discord, or via my Polytoria DMs.